Nigerian Government Faces Criticism for Anti-People Policies and Economic Mismanagement.


Nigerian Government Faces Criticism for Anti-People Policies and Economic Mismanagement.

In a scathing critique of the Nigerian government, legal practitioner Kenneth Okonkwo (SAN) expressed deep concerns about the policies and actions of the ruling party. Kenneth Okonkwo highlighted several issues, including fuel price hikes, currency depreciation, controversial loans, insufficient financial aid to citizens, arbitrary arrests and detentions, and alleged nepotistic appointments.

Since assuming office, the government has faced widespread criticism for its decision to increase the price of fuel by N352 per litre, a move that placed an additional burden on Nigerian citizens already grappling with economic challenges. Furthermore, the depreciation of the national currency by 82% during the government's tenure has further exacerbated the economic difficulties faced by the people.

Kenneth Okonkwo also shed light on controversial loans taken by the government, specifically borrowing $800 million (equivalent to N650 billion) to allocate funds to the judiciary and legislature. The allocation of N35 billion to the judiciary and N70 billion to the legislature has raised questions about the priorities of the government, with critics arguing that the funds could have been utilized more effectively to address pressing social and economic issues.

Another point of contention raised by Kenneth Okonkwo was the government's provision of a meager sum of N8,000 per month to Nigerian households, a figure deemed insufficient to meet even basic needs, especially for families with six or more members. This move has been widely regarded as an insult to common sense and a misappropriation of government funds that purport to assist the impoverished population.

The government's record on human rights also drew criticism, with Kenneth Okonkwo condemning the arbitrary arrest and detention of Nigerian citizens without due process. Such actions not only violate the fundamental rights of individuals but also undermine the principles of justice and fairness.

Kenneth Okonkwo further voiced concerns about the alleged lopsided and nepotistic appointments made by the government, which he believes have divided the nation along ethnic, religious, and partisan lines. These appointments have raised doubts about the government's commitment to inclusivity and the principles of meritocracy.

The criticisms leveled by Kenneth Okonkwo reflect the growing dissatisfaction among Nigerians towards the government's policies and actions. The increasing levels of poverty, suffering, and injustice experienced across the country transcend political, ethnic, and religious boundaries, prompting concerns about the overall direction of the nation.

As Nigeria continues to grapple with these pressing issues, citizens and observers alike hope for a more responsive and inclusive government that prioritizes the well-being and prosperity of all Nigerians.
